Friday, January 24, 2014


With the weariness felt by one left isolated on a presumed deserted island, Lost rose to face the dawn. The haze of sleeplessness blurring her thoughts, she tried to focus down on the most pressing needs. The chill to her core said shelter; the emptiness of her gut saying food; her rational mind saying water and tools.  However, water would require exploration for a spring; perhaps that should wait until she had weapons beyond her short, rapidly blunting sword... Perhaps not.
She walked out to the shoreline, allowing the surf to lick her feet in return for a wider view - were there any rivers or rivulets wending their way to the ocean? None in sight...
A new choice to be made - north or south? From the rise of the sun, her berrings were clear - she'd been left on the eastern shore of...where ever this was. Which way to fresh water? Would there be any water even if she circled the whole of the island? Would one direction hold water and the other beasts? ...Deep breath... No use fretting over the unknown; this whole island was an unknown. Progress would be impossible if she only stayed within the confines of what was familiar to her.
... ... ... South it is.